Our industries.
Broad industry experience, but focus on the energy transition.
The ‘BVC’ - Battery Value Chain
We help start-ups to scale-ups to full scale operations with strategy, performance and deals. From mine to market
J-P Martins led strategy and corporate development for Johnson Matthey’s battery materials scale-up
Developed the Scale Up Readiness Index to assist prioritise action plans to derisk clean-tech scaleups
Leading industry strategy commentator, with expertise in the strategic evolution of the BVC and drivers of success/failure (eg integration, finance, market approach, execution capabilities etc)
Surrey Hills Strategy partners with leading technical battery consultants, offering a full suite of strategic services for participants in the BVC
J-P has led work adding $billions of value in a variety of projects for Rio Tinto, Western Mining Corp (now BHP), and government
Nationsl minerals strategy
Global thermal coal strategy
Organisation structure and ‘role of the centre’ operating model
Global performance improvement transformation programme (asset management)
Cost reduction (coal)
Investment opportunity generation (copper)
Strategic oversight of $multi-billion pre-feasibility for new mine
Geological reinterpretation, mine planning and daily development management (nickel, copper, uranium, gold)
Exploration (base metals, gold)
Post-merger integration
Mineral processing strategy
Rail corridor auction bidding strategy
Deep experience in strategy and organisational transformation in the UK’s nuclear industry
Designed and led 3-year organisation transformation of the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA)
Led critical enablers strategy for the NDA (including transport, asset management)
Programme Board positions on key public decommissioning procurements
Revamped sustaining capital governance processes for EDF’s Sizewell B station
Created digital strategy for the NDA
Other Industries.
Wide range of former clients across many industries
Airlines (Qantas, British Airways, Virgin Blue)
Financial Services (Paymentshield, Towergate, Sesame Bankhall)
Property agency/management (Lomond Group, Lett Alliance/Barbon)
Private Equity
Government (UK Department of Health, Victorian Transport Accident Commission, Victorian Dept of Land Information, Sustainability Commission of Victoria, Middle Eastern country’s Dept of Mines and Energy)
Transport/Active Travel (Transport for Greater Manchester, Sustrans)
Not for Profit (Sustrans)
Higher education (The Open University, London Business School, ESADE)